Dr. Kenneth Brown
Chiropractic Physician
Certified DOT Medical Examiner
Functional Nutritionist
Phone: (919) 544-8881
Email: info.backtohealthcmc@gmail.com
Website: backtohealthcmc.com
Why you need to Detoxify?
The Average American consumes 4 pounds of pesticides each year
There are more than 10,000 chemical additives found in the foods we eat... even baby foods and formula.
Toxic diseases are on the rise, including Autoimmune disorders, Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension and Cardiovascular disease.
Toxicity is a major factor in many illnesses we see today.
There are approximately 80,000 synthetic chemicals registered for use in the U.S.
The CDC reports that hundreds of these chemicals are present in our bodies. Research has shown that many of these chemicals can disrupt our immune, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems.
In 2009, the EPA estimated that 3.42 billion pounds of chemicals were disposed of or released to the environment

Two Phases of the 21 Day Detox Program
Clean out Phase
Rebuild Phase

Is Nutrition Important During Detoxification?
YES , YES and YES!!!
Fasting or poor nutritional support during a detoxification program has many adverse health effects, including decreased energy production, brain fog, mood and sleep difficulties, and a breakdown of lean tissue. Detoxification is an energy-dependent process, and maintenance of adequate energy supply is crucial.
How do internal organs assist in detoxification?
Liver (primary)
Aids the body in metabolizing (processing) of fat, protein, and carbohydrates
Filters toxins (similar to a car's oil filter)
Helps transform many toxins into harmless agents
Filter out waste and excess fluid from the blood
Regulate and release the right balance of sodium, phosphorus, and potassium for the body to function properly

Foods to absolutely avoid
Margarine, spreads, corn oil, vegetable oil, safflower Oil, sunflower Oil, and ALL hydrogenated Oils and trans fats
Caffeine and alcohol
Coffee, tobacco, or other stimulants
Sugar and high fructose corn syrup
Non organic - Nuts, beans, and grains
Dairy — milk, cheese, etc
Processed or refined foods
Dried/canned vegetables and fruit
Cured, smoked, or luncheon meat